Mega 6/45 draws will be conducted on every Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.


The winning numbers consist of 6 non-repeated numbers, each number ranged from 01 to 45.


Draw No. #00050 | Draw Date 11/11/2016


All the odds listed below are for illustration purpose only and it may differ from the actual odds when you place your bet. Please refer to your account Profile for a complete list of the odds for all bet types.


1. Total Big Small 138

BIG: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is greater than 138
SMALL: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is less 138
138: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is exactly 138

Example: Draw result: 01 02 03 04 05 06

  • Player bets on SMALL with odds = 1.95
  • Total: 21
  • Bet result: 21 is less than 138, therefore “SMALL” wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 1.95 = USD 195.

2. Total High – Medium - Low

HIGH: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is greater than or equal to 152
LOW: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is less than or equal to 124
MEDIUM: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is between 125 and 151

Example: Draw result: 01 02 03 04 05 06

  • Player bets on LOW with odds = 2.7
  • Total: 21
  • Bet result: 21 is less than 124, therefore “LOW” wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 2.7 = USD 270.

3. Total Odd Even

ODD: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is an odd number
EVEN: the sum of the 6 winning numbers is an even number

Example: Draw result: 01 02 03 04 05 06

  • Player bets on ODD with odds = 1.95
  • Total: 21
  • Bet result: 21 is an odd number, therefore “ODD” wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 1.95 = USD 195.

4. Total Big Small 138 & Odd Even

Big & Odd: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is greater than 138 and is an odd number
Small & Odd: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is less than 138 and is an odd number
Big & Even: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is greater than 138 and is an even number
Small & Even: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is less than 138 and is an even number
138: The sum of the 6 winning numbers is exactly 138

Example: Draw result: 01 02 03 04 05 06

  • Player bets on SMALL ODD with odds = 3.7
  • Total: 21
  • Bet result: 21 is an odd number and is less than 138, therefore Small & Odd wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 3.7 = USD 370.

5. Up Down & Tie

UP: From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are more than 3 of these numbers fall in the range of 24 - 45.
DOWN: From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are more than 3 of these numbers fall in the range of 01 – 23.
TIE: From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are exactly 3 numbers from the range 01-23 and 3 numbers from the range 24-45.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player bets on UP with odds = 2.9
  • Bet result: there are 4 numbers (26, 28, 36, 41) which ranges between 24 and 45 and 2 numbers (12, 18) which ranges between 01 and 22. Therefore UP bet wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 2.9 = USD 290.

6. Odd(s) Even(s) & Tie

Odd(s): From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are more than 3 of these numbers are odd numbers.
Even(s): From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are more than 3 of these numbers are even numbers.
Tie: From the 6 winning numbers drawn, there are exactly 3 odd numbers and 3 even numbers.

Example: Draw result: 01 02 03 04 05 07

  • Player bets on ODD(s) with odds = 2.5
  • Bet result: there are 4 odd numbers (01, 03, 05, 07) and 2 even numbers (02, 04). There are more odd numbers compared to even numbers, therefore Odd(s) bet wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 2.5 = USD 250.

7. Strike Single Number

In Strike Single Number, player must select 1 number from the range 01 to 45. System draws 6 numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if one of the six winning numbers is equal to the number player selected.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player’s selection: number 28 with odds 6.5
  • Bet result: 28 is one of the winnning numbers. Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 6.5 = USD 650.

8. Strike 2 Numbers

In Strike 2 Numbers, player must select 2 numbers from the range 01 to 45. System draws 6 numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if both 2 selected numbers are in the 6 winning numbers.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player’s selection:numbers 28, 41 with odds 38.
  • Bet result: 28, 41 are in the winnning numbers. Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 38 = USD 3,800.

9. Strike 3 Numbers

In Strike 3 Numbers, player must select 3 numbers from the range 01 to 45. System draws 6 numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if all 3 selected numbers are in the 6 winning numbers.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player’s selection: numbers 12, 28, 41 with odds 330.
  • Bet result: 12, 28, 41 are in the winnning numbers. Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 330 = USD 33,000.

10. Last Digit

Player select 1 number range from 0 to 9. System draws 6 winning numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if the selected number matches the last digit of at least one of the winning numbers.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player’s selection: Last Digit 8, with odds 2.1
  • Bet result: the last digits of 6 winning numbers are (2, 8, 6, 8, 6, 1). Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 2.1 = USD 210.

11. Animal Groups

Rat Horse Cat Chicken
12 14 15 18 28
Dragon Dog Buffalo Goat
09 10 11 26 35
Tiger Monkey Snake Pig
06 07 23 32
No zodiac
All 6 winning numbers are in: 01 02 03 04 05 08 13 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
All Swimming
All 6 winning numbers are in: 01 02 03 04 08 13 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 30 31 34 41 42 43 44
All Non-swimming
All 6 winning numbers are in: 05 06 07 09 10 11 12 14 15 18 23 26 28 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 45
Bet Zodiac

There are 3 Zodiac groups: [Rat Horse Cat Chicken], [Dragon Dog Buffalo Goat], and [Tiger Monkey Snake Pig] each group contains some numbers, each number represents an animal in Vietnamese tradition. System draws 6 winning numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if one of the numbers in the selected group matches one of the winning numbers.

Example: Draw result: 12 18 26 28 36 41

  • Player’s selection: Rat Horse Cat Chicken with odds 1.75. Result contains 12, 14, 15, 18, 28
  • Bet result: 12, 18, 28 are in the winning numbers. Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 1.75 = USD 175.
Bet other groups

Beside zodiac, there are 3 other groups: No-Zodiac, Swimming and Non-swimming, each group contains some numbers, each number represents an animal or a symbol in Vietnamese tradition. System draws 6 winning numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Player wins if ALL 6 winning numbers consists of numbers in the player selected group.

Example: Draw result: 08 19 24 29 30 44

  • Player’s selection: All Swimming with odds 50. Result contains [1,2,3,4,8,13,16,17, 19,20,21,22,24,25,27,29,30, 31,34,41,42,43,44]
  • Bet result: [1,2,3,4,8,13,16,17, 19,20,21,22,24,25,27,29,30, 31,34,41,42,43,44] contains [8, 19, 24, 29, 30, 44]. Therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 50 = USD 5,000.

12. Fish-Prawn-Crab

System draws 6 winning numbers ranging from 01 to 45. Each number is matched with one symbol in Vietnamese Fish-Prawn-Crab game. Below is the list of numbers and the corresponding symbol.

01 07 13 19 25 31 37 43
02 08 14 20 26 32 38 44
03 09 15 21 27 33 39 45
04 10 16 22 28 34 40
05 11 17 23 29 35 41
06 12 18 24 30 36 42

Player must select one of the group below

2 CalabashesThe 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Calabash symbol.
2 CrabsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Crab symbol.
2 PrawnsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Prawn symbol.
2 Fish The 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Fish symbol.
2 DeerThe 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Deer symbol.
2 RoostersThe 6 winning numbers must consists of EXACTLY 2 numbers representing the Rooster symbol.
More than 2 CalabashesThe 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Calabash symbol.
More than 2 CrabsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Crab symbol.
More than 2 PrawnsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Prawn symbol.
More than 2 Fish The 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Fish symbol.
More than 2 DeerThe 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Deer symbol.
More than 2 RoostersThe 6 winning numbers must consists of MORE THAN 2 (can be 3 or more) numbers representing the Rooster symbol.
2 GroupsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of numbers representing EXACTLY 2 symbols only.
3 GroupsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of numbers representing EXACTLY 3 symbols only.
4 GroupsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of numbers representing EXACTLY 4 symbols only.
5 GroupsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of numbers representing EXACTLY 5 symbols only.
6 GroupsThe 6 winning numbers must consists of numbers representing EXACTLY 6 symbols.

System draws 6 winning numbers ranging from 01 to 45, which can have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 symbols and can match one of the listed symbol groups. Player wins if the selected group match exactly with the resulted symbols.

Example 1: Draw result: 12  Rooster  , 18  Rooster  , 26  Crab  , 28  Fish  , 36  Rooster  , 37  Calabash.

  • Player’s selection: “More than 2 Roosters” with odds 20. The selection exactly matches the resulted symbols, therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 20 = USD 2,000.

Example 2: Draw result: 12  Rooster  , 18  Rooster  , 26  Crab  , 28  Fish  , 36  Rooster  , 37  Calabash.

  • There are 4 different groups appear in the result: Rooster, Crab, Fish and Rooster.
  • Player’s selection: “4 Groups” with odds 4.7. The selection exactly matches the resulted number of symbols group, therefore player wins.
  • Wager: USD 100
  • Payout: USD 100 x 4.7 = USD 470